Sure signs your company needs a content writer

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Content writing is not something you can do “when you have time” and isn’t effective if your company is only marketing during a slow time. More and more, original content is valued and sought after as a revenue driver and result maker. Putting your brand out there, front and center, should be a constant endeavor. Constant … content. Those words even sound alike, because in the world of marketing, both are completely intertwined. 

How do I know your company needs a content writer? Here’s a secret (move in closer) — it’s because I need one myself.  Keeping up with blog content and social media content isn’t easy for anyone. Now add occasional press releases and articles to the mix, and well — it’s amazing anyone has any text, really. In my case, I take care of clients’ Facebook posts, email blasts, blog posts and article drafts, so when it comes time to do my own content for my company, it moves to the back burner. So I get it. I do. 

Here are some questions to ask  if you are still wondering if  hiring a content writer is a wise choice:

♦ Your company’s blog is like the elephant in the room. It exists. I mean, you have one. But posts are either few and far between or (gasp) your blog page still says “coming soon.” Why not outsource those duties to a content writer? Posts they develop can even be core content from which you can derive social media content, if you still want to handle that yourself.

♦ Brainstorming: who has time? The creative process starts long before a content writer sits down at the keyboard. An editorial calendar and editorial meetings help keep everyone on track and thinking about different ways to communicate your brand. But these tasks also become far too easy to push off when other corporate matters get in the way. 

♦ You’re barely handling content needs, but when a special project comes along, the workload becomes overwhelming.  Content writing services can be a la carte, customized, and fit to suit any company. Some clients may prefer someone to just take over their social media posts. A public relations firm may have a copy writer handle marketing text for a client or two, keeping the messaging and tone consistent across all platforms, whether print or digital. Or — as Plum Editorial handles project management as well — a publisher may want a start-to-finish special publication person who can manage photographers, reporters and graphic artists. 

♦ You hate to write. You can’t spell, the idea of  composing text doesn’t interest you, and you just want content in play to increase your marketplace presence and ultimately, your ROI. 

For all these reasons and more, outsourcing your content writing is the way to go. Otherwise: is it getting done?