Website content needs regular review

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I recently did a website content review for a new client — a client who is savvy enough to realize that websites are strategic, fluid and evolving  — just like the business they attract.

Website content work is not always a matter of choosing a template, writing copy and adding graphic elements from scratch. Sometimes it means fine tuning what’s already there to better reflect your business goals and services; to update content to keep your message fresh; or to switch out photos to better reflect your message.

A website content review is a complete objective look at your site from a professional communications standpoint; the result is editorial change suggestions that can better engage your potential clients or customers. 

For instance, could photos of your businesses’ team members — not just their names and contact numbers — add an element of personalization and better engage new clients? Are all the links on your website functional (do they lead to something, not error messages)? Does your website content contain spelling errors? Could more keywords for better search optimization be included in your text?

A regular website content review is a good idea for all business owners. Maybe one year you add a blog. Maybe the next year you highlight a more profitable division of your company and downplay another area, which has been making you less money. Keep your content fresh, current and engaging and clients will see you as relevant to what they need today.
